Fue Hair Transplantation

fue procedure turkey

The hair transplantation changes the look of you and may increase your self-confidence. Before deciding hair transplantation, discuss your opinions with your physician and think of it. In all types of hair transplantations, it’s important for you to know that your healthy hair is used. It is obligatory for the patients to have healthy hair at both sides and back of their heads in terms of hair transplantation.

Hair Loss

The most common reason we know are genetic ones, cosmetic products used, sleep disorder, irregular eating habit, irregular life style, using alcohol and cigarettes, skin diseases and avitaminoses. The genetic reasons are the most distinctive reasons among other loss reasons, the potential of being bald is higher if there is baldness in his family tree, oppositely, the potential of baldness is weak if there is no baldness in his family tree. Although the main reason is gene structure in hair loss, the factors we mentioned above play an important role in speeding up or slowing down the hair loss of the person.

Candidates For Hair Transplantation

The hair transplantation changes the look of you and may increase your self-confidence. Before deciding hair transplantation, discuss your opinions with your physician and think of it. In all . Because the transplantated hair is taken from these parts. The cosmetic result may be effected due to the factors such as the color of hair, wavy and curly hair. There are various techniques in hair transplantation. FUEmethod is used in our hair transplantation center.

FUE (follicular unit extraction)

As follicular units (one by one) by the help of micromotors that have special punch ends with a parameter of 0,7 – 0,8 mm, without using stitching and having any cutting seams. Follicular units (grafts) are transferred to the area where the hair transplantation will be done, by harvesting from back and both sides of the haired skin. It is implemented by performing local anesthesia to doner and receiver area. It’s a method without stitching, pain and scars on the operation area. By means of breast and back hair can also be harvested. These harvested hairs harmonise with the hair properties that belong to transplantated area and continues to exist having the same look with them in time. In FUE technique, approximately 2000-5000 grafts meaning 3000-15.000 hair strands can be transferred in one session.

Why FUE Hair Transplantation?

The most of the modern hair transplantation

The current sufficiency level in hair transplantation shows that there is no need to “grieve for atrichiosis”. The operations which provides painless hair transplantation opportunities without having adverse effect, is performed for more suitable prices than expected.

We especially emphasize that hair transplantation teams implement FUE technique, which is known as the most effective method in hair transplantation.

1. Since there is no cutting in FUE technique, there will be no scars.
2. Newly grown hair is more alive and permanent since they are hair follicles based on the nape.
3. Hair transplantation requires to be rested for two days, protected intensively for 10 days and a special care for 2 weeks.
4. By hair transplantation method, eyebrow, beard and moustache and scar transplantations are performed successfully.

In hair transplantation, an average price is set according to the size of the transplantation area, there may be small discrepancies in pricing due to the greatness or smallness of the area.

Hair Transplantation with FUE Technique

The part on the nape which the hair follicles will be harvested is prepared. Local anesthesia is performed. The follicles are brought out one by one with micromotor and kept in special solutions that are prepared. The first stages takes approximately 2-3 hours. The amount of hair that will be brought out sets the duration.

2nd Stage:

Local anesthesia is performed on the hair transplantation part. Then, suitable channels for the person are opened with special tools. The directions, number and the density of these channels is so important in order to achieve the natural look. This stage takes approximately 1 hour.

3rd Stage:

Hair follicles are placed to the opened channels one by one. This implementation which forms the future look takes 2-3 hours. Implementation of hair transplantation is completed at the end of a 6-8 hours time.The nape part where the hair follicles are harvested is covered by dressing. The hair transplantated part is remained open. Medication is performed on this part under the control of hairesteline team on the operation day. Later on, the person himself dresses with special lotions every night at home for two weeks. These lotions clears the incrustation on that part; after waiting for 45 minutes, washing is done in warm shower, without overtaxing the hair.

In spite of transplantated hair loss of % 80 at the end of the first month, it starts to grow again in third month and the optimal result is achieved between the 8th and 12th month. (One should be patient and should not panic for the hairless look until the hair grows again at the third month).

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